April 20, 2020
We’re fans of edibles and topicals at TLCBD. Many people ask us how our topical products work so we wanted to give a little insight.
With a topical, like our Jump for Joy pain balm, you’re putting the product on your skin which then gets absorbed into the body through the skin. It’s important when using a topical that your skin is well hydrated – drink plenty of water, try not to drink too much alcohol and apply it at the right times. For example, a topical face cream for moisture is best applied after you’ve taken a hot shower and your pores have opened up.
All of our beauty products are made to naturally hydrate while the cbd is being absorbed. That’s why you see ingredients like hazelnut oil, lavender and Ylang-Ylang. This means that the cbd you’re putting on goes deeper into the layers of skin as well as goes into the bloodstream. When it comes to hydration, nothing beats our lip balm. And on the lips, it gets absorbed more directly and quicker.
Let us know if you still have questions and we hope you enjoy our line of topicals to help you get the CBD you want.